On November 22nd and December 6th, of this year, I had the pleasure of hosting an art making workshop at The Gallery Project, celebrating the artwork of Spanish painter Juan Gris (1887 – 1927). Unlike Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and other artist who occasionally used cubism as a means of expression, Gris stayed loyal to the movement and created works of art that still to this day inspire me and my work. The students who participated in the class were also inspired by Gris’s paintings and created their own vivid interpretations of his famous compositions of guitars, violins and bottles. The artwork that was created at The Gallery Project will be featured at the Upstairs at the Greenwich Gallery for the Blue Bridge Jazz Art Exhibition. The exhibition will also feature artwork by, Susan Grey, Monique Brent and myself.
To rsvp to exhibition and the Blue Bridge Jazz Series event Follow this link
To learn more about the Gallery project follow this link.
See their art work below

Abstraction guitar and glass 1913 by Juan Gris

Guitar and Fruit Dish 1922 by Juan Gris